Flawlessly beautiful skin. Dermacare fights the unsightly annoying veins

Spider veins – these fine, bluish veins that often appear on the legs are not only unsightly but also stubborn. Have you noticed them and would like to get rid of them? At Dermacare Vienna, you can have spider veins removed gently and almost painlessly.

We use the latest laser or sclerotherapy treatments to combat spider veins so that your skin looks smooth and even again. Our experienced specialists will accompany you from the initial consultation through to successful removal.

Would you like to know how easy it can be to finally feel comfortable in your own skin again?

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This treatment is bookable in:

1010 Wien, Morzinplatz 4

1220 Wien, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 7A

Professional treatment by dermatologists

Professional treatment

For an aesthetically first-class result, the experience of the doctor is crucial. The treating doctors at Dermacare have appropriate additional training and a great deal of experience. Therefore, we can look back on satisfied customers and great treatment results.

Only tested brand products

In order to achieve the best results with a long-lasting effect, only clinically tested products from the best-known manufacturers and the latest generation of lasers are used. These have been in use for many years and have proven themselves a million times over.

Individual consultation

In an informative consultation, the doctors at Dermacare address your individual wishes and discuss the expected treatment result. You will learn everything you need to know about the procedure and aftercare and receive a personalized treatment plan.

Remove spider veins permanently and painlessly

Spider veins removal in Vienna at Dermacare

These are small, dilated fine veins on the legs directly under the skin, sometimes fan-like dilated – often somewhat bluish, rarely light red. If the venous system is weak, which can manifest itself in the form of varicose veins, spider veins are increasingly found below the inner ankle of the ankle joint. In women, spider veins often appear flat in the middle of the thigh. The cause is suspected to be a congenital weakness of the connective tissue, which promotes the dilation of the tiny blood vessels.

Like many other beauty problems, spider veins occur mainly amongst women over 40 years of age. Prevention is not possible. Spider veins also do not disappear by themselves. The earlier they are treated, the better the results are usually. Before treatment it must be ensured that varicose veins are not present at the same time, which would otherwise have to be treated first.

Spider veins removal – treatment methods

Below you will find information on various treatment options for spider veins.

  • Laser spider veins

    We treat superficial, fine blue spider veins very well with a long pulsed 1064nm Neodymium:Yag laser. Red veins are treated with a special long-pulsed KTP laser. The light of this wavelength passes through the skin and is absorbed by the red blood pigment in the vessels, so that they stick together.
    The surface of the skin is protected with a cooled handpiece so that no burns can occur. This new technique makes it possible, for example, to treat palm-sized areas in a half-hour session. A pressure bandage is then applied for 24 hours only. After approx. 4-6 weeks, the spider veins treated in this way disappear or are significantly reduced.

  • Desertification of spider veins (sclerotherapy)

    In this process, aethoxysclerol is injected directly into the fine blood vessels, which become sticky and are broken down by the body. This technique is very well suited for larger spider veins.

When is the best time of year for the treatment

The treatments should only be carried out in the milder or cooler months, i.e. between September and May. The treatment is not carried out in the summer months.

Your Dermacare specialists for spider veins removal

In the Vienna Dermacare institute spider veins are softly and gently removed by our experienced doctors.

For the Dermacare team, the fact that the patients feel comfortable in their skin is a top priority. The specialists at Dermacare provide comprehensive and competent care from the initial consultation until the patient leaves the clinic. Of course, the Dermacare team is also happy to answer any open questions after the treatment.

You still have questions about spider vein removal?

FAQ spider vein removal contains answers to the most common questions about laser spider vein removal at Dermacare. These questions are not intended to replace a consultation with our physician, but they do give a first orientation.

FAQ spider vein removal

Costs for the removal of spider veins at Dermacare


The price depends on the area to be treated, the treatment time and the method used (laser or sclerotherapy). During the initial examination, the doctor will determine exactly which procedure is most effective for your veins.


After the procedure it is necessary to wear a compression bandage or compression stocking. This should already be brought along for treatment. Our team will provide you with further information.

Personal advice from experts

(*) During the initial consultation, an experienced specialist will take up to 30 minutes to provide you with comprehensive advice. This special consultation is remunerated with € 150,-. If you decide to undergo treatment afterwards, you will be credited € 50.

Cost absorption

Under certain conditions, the costs of the consultation/treatment are partially reimbursed by the health insurance fund or, depending on the insurance, by the private health insurance if they submit the invoice.

What other customers say about Dermacare....

Taylre Sargent
Taylre Sargent
I have only had a positive experience at Dermacare. Dr. Seiser listens to your needs. Front staff is pleasant and has always been accommodating. Front staff also has always responded promptly to emails. Overall, great! My only “negative” would be is I have had to come for a touch up each time I have had Botox to achieve exactly the desired result. Not negative, as I know it’s best to do less then add more but sometime effects my scheduling. Overall, I’m pleased. The staff and practice are great.
Response from the owner: Dear Patient,Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience at Dermacare! 😊 We’re delighted to hear that you’re happy with the care you’ve received from Dr. Seiser and that our front staff has been accommodating and responsive to your needs.We understand that touch-up appointments can be an inconvenience when it comes to scheduling, and we truly appreciate your understanding of our “less is more” approach to Botox treatments. Your satisfaction is very important to us, and we’re pleased to know you’re happy with the overall results.We look forward to continuing to provide you with great service!Warm regards,The Dermacare Team 🌸
Anna Rodionova
Anna Rodionova
I was very satisfied with the procedure by Dr. Cseh. I have been there two weeks ago and the institute is absolutely stunning. The people are super friendly and I felt myself very welcomed.
Response from the owner: Vielen Dank für Ihre tolle Bewertung! Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie mit dem Eingriff bei Dr. Cseh so zufrieden waren und sich bei uns willkommen gefühlt haben. Unser Institut ist ganz neu, und wir haben großen Wert darauf gelegt, ein ansprechendes und einladendes Ambiente zu schaffen, in dem sich unsere Patienten rundum wohlfühlen. Ihr positives Feedback bestätigt uns darin, dass wir auf dem richtigen Weg sind. Wir freuen uns, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Catherine Hering
Catherine Hering
Meine Mutter und ich waren zum Hautcheck bei Dermacare, bei Dr. Cermak, und können Frau Dr. Cermak und das ganze Dermacare-Institut nur weiterempfehlen. Ich bin schon jahrelang Kundin bzw. Patientin bei Dermacare und bin mit den Leistungen (PMU, ärztliche Leistungen, Akne- und Gesichtsbehandlungen) immer vollkommen zufrieden. Frau Dr. Cermak arbeitet sehr genau und gewissenhaft und ist außerdem sehr einfühlsam und nimmt sich Zeit für ihre Patienten, findet für die Probleme der Patienten die richtige Lösung. Vielen Dank für die tolle Behandlung!
Response from the owner: Liebe Frau Hering,herzlichen Dank für Ihre großartige 5-Sterne-Bewertung und Ihre langjährige Treue! 😊 Es freut uns sehr, dass sowohl Sie als auch Ihre Mutter mit dem Hautcheck und unseren Leistungen so zufrieden sind. Besonders schön ist es, dass Sie die präzise und einfühlsame Betreuung schätzen und sich bei uns gut aufgehoben fühlen.Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie weiterhin bei Ihren Behandlungen begleiten zu dürfen und danken Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen!Herzliche Grüße,Ihr Dermacare-Team 🌟
Lisa Gutlederer
Lisa Gutlederer
Die Mitarbeiterin am Empfang hat mich sehr nett aufgenommen und war stets freundlich und zuvorkommend. Ich habe mich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Die Behandlung wurde ausführlich erklärt & der Arzt hat sehr sauber gearbeitet.Ich bin schon sehr gespannt aufs finale Ergebnis.
Response from the owner: Vielen Dank, Frau Gutlederer, für Ihre tolle Bewertung! Es freut uns, dass Sie sich bei uns so gut aufgehoben gefühlt haben und unsere Mitarbeiterin am Empfang sowie der Arzt einen so positiven Eindruck hinterlassen haben. Wir sind genauso gespannt auf das finale Ergebnis wie Sie – und sicher, dass es großartig wird! 😊
Leider gab es ein Problem bei meinem Online Termin. Nach einem Anruf mit dem behandelten Arzt Dr Telisselis ist der Doktor extra von Zuhause in die Praxis gekommen um bei mir eine Botox Behandlung durchzuführen! Vielen Dank dafür sowas macht sonst niemand!!! Sie sind der beste Arzt und danke auch an die Assistentin (Frau Edita) mit der ich gesprochen habe die alles in die Wege geleitet hat. Ich komme zu 100000% wieder. Die Behandlung verlief komplett schmerzfrei mir wurde alles genau erklärt und das Ergebnis ist 1A. Dr Telisselis Sie sind der Beste!!! :) alles liebe Afouxenidou Margarita
Response from the owner: Vielen Dank, Frau Afouxenidou, für Ihre wunderbare Bewertung! Es freut uns sehr, dass Dr. Telisselis und unser Team alles darangesetzt haben, Ihren Termin möglich zu machen – selbst, wenn es mal etwas unkonventionell ist. 😊 Dass Sie die Behandlung als komplett schmerzfrei empfunden haben und mit dem Ergebnis so zufrieden sind, freut uns umso mehr. Ein großes Dankeschön auch von Frau Edita, die hinter den Kulissen alles organisiert hat! Wir freuen uns schon darauf, Sie zu 100000% wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen! Alles Liebe! 💫


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