Autologous plasma for the effective treatment of hair loss

The Dermacare institute in Austria carries out hair loss treatment with PRP just as quickly and efficiently. The patients benefit from friendly service, competent advice and a fair price-performance ratio. If those affected suffer from hair loss, the health complication is not only a cosmetic problem. Especially women find themselves less attractive due to bald spots on the scalp. This leads to reduced self-confidence and strong self-doubt. In order to treat hair loss in women and men, therapy with autologous blood is given high priority.

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1010 Wien, Morzinplatz 4

1220 Wien, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 7A

Professional treatment by dermatologists

Professional treatment

For an aesthetically first-class result, the experience of the doctor is crucial. The treating doctors at Dermacare have appropriate additional training and a great deal of experience. Therefore, we can look back on satisfied customers and great treatment results.

Only tested brand products

In order to achieve the best results with a long-lasting effect, only clinically tested products from the best-known manufacturers and the latest generation of lasers are used. These have been in use for many years and have proven themselves a million times over.

Individual consultation

In an informative consultation, the doctors at Dermacare address your individual wishes and discuss the expected treatment result. You will learn everything you need to know about the procedure and aftercare and receive a personalized treatment plan.

Autohaemotherapy against hair loss

Shiny, full head of hair symbolises health and vitality. For women, long, strong hair is a sign of femininity and a youthful appearance. For men, too, the splendour of hair is a sign of youthful vitality. Severe hair loss causes bald areas to form on the scalp. If the phenomenon worsens, those affected avoid contact with their fellow men. They are ashamed of the external blemish. Before the treatment with platelet-rich blood plasma begins, dermatologists at Dermacare clarify the possible causes of hair loss by means of a blood test.

What to do against hair loss?

Human hair normally goes through several growth cycles. In the process, up to 100 hairs fall out in one day. The hair roots form new hair, so that the loss usually has no visible consequences. For example, infections or the intake of medication lead to a permanent loss of hair. A lack of nutrients and the normal aging process also cause the loss of the main hair. Men tend to have receding hairline and a bald forehead. Female patients have thin hair which thins out more and more.

Excessive hair loss is mainly a cosmetic problem. In the worst case, it can also lead to psychological disorders of the affected persons. They withdraw from society and often develop depression. What to do against hair loss? An effective remedy for hair loss is treatment with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma). The abbreviation refers to the body’s own blood plasma, which contains numerous platelets. They have growth hormones that have a positive effect on cell production.

How does the autohaemotherapy against hair loss work?

In autohaemotherapy (PRP therapy or autohaemotherapy with plasma), the patient’s own blood is taken and blood plasma is extracted from it using a special procedure. In platelet-rich plasma (PRP), at least eight growth factors, thrombin or stem cells are highly concentrated and have a rejuvenating effect on the hair roots. They lead to a natural regeneration of the cells, which in turn stimulates hair growth. The body’s own growth hormones in the blood plasma play an essential role in this process.

Before the actual therapy, blood is taken from the patient and then medically prepared. During the process, the white blood components are separated from the red ones. The plasma is then injected into the scalp of the patient. The autohaemotherapy results in a strengthening of the hair roots. This prevents the permanent loss of scalp hair. It therefore prevents bald spots. In addition, the regrowing hair looks stronger and healthier. Due to the fullness of the hair, the patients appear rejuvenated and self-confident.

The treatment with the platelet-rich plasma ensures long-term success. Usually one session is not enough to stop the hair loss completely. The physicians recommend three autologous blood treatments at intervals of one month each. After that, a refresher treatment should be carried out one year later.

Your specialists for hair loss at Dermacare

At the Vienna Dermacare Institute, autohaemotherapy against hair loss is performed by specialized doctors with many years of experience. They will take care of you comprehensively and competently from the consultation until you leave the institute. Of course, the Dermacare team will also be happy to answer any open questions at any time after the treatment.

Do you still have questions about treatment with autologous plasma?

FAQ autologous plasma treatment contains answers to frequently asked questions about PRP treatment at Dermacare. These questions are not intended to replace a consultation with a doctor, but provide an initial orientation.

FAQ autologous plasma treatment

Treatment procedure for PRP autologous plasma against hair loss

1. Anamnesis questionnaire

The treatment procedure for PRP treatment against hair loss in Vienna at Dermacare is explained in detail below. An anamnesis questionnaire is completed during the consultation and before each initial treatment. This allows possible risks to be recognised and prevented.

2. Medical consultation

The first step is a preliminary consultation with the attending physician, who will clarify which treatment is suitable for you. Prepare yourself for the consultation and talk openly about your wishes and expectations.

3. Blood sampling

Blood is taken from them, which is then centrifuged.

4. Centrifuging the blood

The autologous blood is now centrifuged in a special machine until the red and white blood separate and the platelets remain in the centre. These platelets are the platelet-rich plasma (PRP), in which eight highly concentrated growth factors are enriched.

5. Injecting the plasma

After subsequent disinfection, the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the scalp using a wafer-thin needle. This does not cause any redness or bruising. The treatment takes around 45 minutes in total.

Costs of treatment with own plasma against hair loss


The prices depend on the quantity of the material used. In individual cases, the price may vary if a large quantity of the required substance is necessary for the desired treatment result. In such a case, the doctor will inform you during the consultation.

Expert discussion

The initial consultation against hair loss for women takes place at Dermacare Vienna with an experienced specialist. If treatment is given, no charge is made for the consultation. Should treatment not take place immediately, € 60,- will be charged as a fee, which will be credited to you in the event of future treatment.

What other customers say about Dermacare...

Petra Jovicic
Petra Jovicic
Hr. Dr. Telisselis ein sehr toller, sympathischer Arzt. Immer wieder gern 👍
Margarete Plail
Margarete Plail
Angenehme, sehr professionelle Atmosphäre.Ich war mit Frau Dr. Abayev sehr zufrieden. Eine Botox Behandlung mit total natürlichem Ergebnis, trotz sehr vorteilhafter Veränderung .
Sabine Stefanek
Sabine Stefanek
Dr. Telisselis ein sehr guter Arzt und vorallem hat er Humor ..Ich kann ihn nur zu 100% weiter empfehlen.. Zieht dir das Geld nicht aus der Tasche sowie viele andere Schönheitsstudios (alles schon erlebt). Sauberes und sehr Freundliches Personal....Freue,mich auf den nächsten Besuch
Wie immer bin sehr beeindruckt von Dermacare. Die Damen am Rezeption sind sehr nett und hilfsbereit. Daniela, die meine Behandlungen durchgeführt hat, ist sehr professionell und leistet großartige Arbeit. Sie arbeitet sehr genau und überprüft jedes Mal wie meine Haut beim letzten Mal reagiert hat und schaut dass sie genau die richtige Einstellung der Machine wählt. Ich kann diese Praxis uneingeschränkt empfehlen und werde sie in Zukunft auch für weitere Behandlungen nutzen.
Response from the owner: Vielen Dank für Ihre positive Rückmeldung! Es freut uns zu hören, dass Sie mit den Behandlungen von Daniela so zufrieden waren. Ihre Empfehlung bedeutet uns sehr viel! Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Zukunft wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Ihr Dermacare Team
Ich habe bei Dr. Ciovica eine CO2-Laserbehandlung machen lassen und bin absolut begeistert! Meine Haut wurde sichtbar geglättet, Falten wurden reduziert, und das gesamte Hautbild wirkt ebenmäßiger. Sie hat sich viel Zeit genommen, alles verständlich erklärt und mich sowohl während der Behandlung als auch in der Nachsorge bestens betreut. Sehr professionelle und einfühlsame Ärztin – absolut empfehlenswert!


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