PCR gargle test in 1010 Vienna

We currently do not offer COVID tests. Under the following link you will find a list of pharmacies that carry out COVID tests:
List of pharmacies with COVID-19 tests in Vienna

The gargle test in self application according to PCR method is the new alternative to the PCR throat swab test. You can perform the safe gargle test yourself at home or outdoors. Afterwards, you simply hand in the sample to us. Your test result will be available within 24 hours. Order and pay for the gargle test right here to avoid unnecessary waiting times.

Precise testing without waiting times

Fast results within minutes or hours

For the PCR tests we work with renowned Vienna laboratories, which collect the samples several times a day. The analyses are done around the clock. Usually the results are available electronically within 24 hours. The antigen rapid test and the antibody test can be performed on-site and after about 15 minutes a result is available.

No waiting times

If you book an appointment, fill out the form online and pay in advance. You will briefly stay and enjoy the fastest possible processing. With our rapid tests, you will be informed very quickly by mail after the result is available.

Digital Certificate with QR-Code

All test procedures are officially recognised by the authorities. Findings are issued in German and English and signed by a doctor. For PCR tests, you will also receive a EU digital certificate with QR code.

In order for you to know within a few hours whether you have been infected with the coronavirus, we also offer the safe gargle test in self application. The gargle test is a PCR test and has a high sensitivity and specificity for SARS-CoV-2. It is therefore considered a safe procedure and is suitable for anyone who can gargle. After you have carried out the test yourself and handed in the sample at Dermacare in Vienna, the results of the test are evaluated in a Vienna laboratory.

What is a PCR gargle test?

For the gargle test, we provide you with a saline solution (part of the test kit) which you gargle for one minute. Then spit the liquid into a sample container. Using the PCR method, the sample is then examined and analyzed by employees of Vienna laboratories. Thus, if necessary, the genetic material of the coronavirus can be directly detected in the sample taken.

How does the test work?

You collect your test kit from Dermacare and can then perform the test either outdoors or at your home. Please read the instructions carefully and make sure that no other people are in the immediate vicinity during gargling or testing.

All you have to do is gargle the saline solution we provide (as part of the test kit) for one minute and then spit the liquid into a sample cup. Many patients find the gargling process much more comfortable compared to the conventional PCR throat swab. Afterwards, you bring the sample to us. Several times a day, these samples are collected by laboratory staff and within 24 hours you will receive your result by email.

Here is an overview of the process again:

1) Pick up the test kit at Dermacare

2) After carefully reading the instructions, perform the gargle test independently at home or outdoors

Note: The issue and receipt of the test kits is

  • Monday to Friday from 9.00-16.30, Saturday 8.00-12.00
  • only on the first floor of Dermacare – entrance Morzinplatz

3) Bring the sample to us afterwards – no appointment is necessary!

4) Within 24 hours you will receive the findings by e-mail*

When is a gargle test in self-application useful?

The gargle test in self-application is particularly useful if you have no symptoms, but still want to be sure that you are not infected with the coronavirus. Employees of companies like to use our test to protect themselves and their environment in the best possible way before a training or event. Many people find the throat swab too unpleasant and therefore use the gargle test as an adequate alternative.

What else do you need to know?

All corona tests at Dermacare are only for people without classic corona symptoms. If you already have symptoms such as dry cough, fever or sore throat, please stay home and call the Health Hotline under 1450 or contact your family doctor. You can also have someone else bring your sample to our institute. However, this person must bring your eCard and a photo ID of you so that we can match the sample to the right person. For the gargle test in self-application you will receive a medical report in German and English. This is not suitable for border crossings and does not serve to end the official quarantine.

Costs of the Corona Test

Important notes

If you are bringing a test for someone else, please make sure you bring the eCard and a photo ID of the person for whom the test analysis is being done.

Dermacare only provides the service of sample collection (PCR test) for testing for COVID-19. The analysis, preparation and transmission of the results is carried out by Labor Mustafa. When the results are ready, the laboratory will send you access to your results by e-mail.

(*) There may be delays in medical examinations such as testing. DERMACARE excludes all liability and claims due to delayed findings. If you do not receive a report within 24 hours please write to testungen@dermacare.at and we will take care of it – even at the weekend!

What do other clients say about us...

Ich habe mich schon mehrmals bei Daniela behandeln lassen (Haarentfernung). Sie ist sehr nett und lieb und hilft gerne mit dem Rat weiter. Man kann den Unterschied und Besserung nach der Behandlung schon merken. Mir wurde alles sehr genau erklärt und die Leute sind sehr freundlich und kompetent. Auf alle meine Fragen wurden genau geantwortet. Alle Mitarbeiter auch die Damen am Empfang sind sehr nett und die Wartezeit ist minimal. Die Räumlichkeiten sind sehr gut ausgestattet und wirken sehr sauber aus. Ich bin zurzeit mit der Behandlung sehr zufrieden. Nach fast 2J Behandlung Ich kann das Institut nur weiterempfehlen weil man den Unterschied schon merken kann.
Response from the owner: Vielen Dank für Ihre positive Bewertung! Wir freuen uns zu hören, dass Sie mit Ionela und unserer Praxis zufrieden sind. Wir sind immer bestrebt, unseren Patienten die bestmögliche Behandlung zu bieten. Wir hoffen, Sie bald wiederzusehen!
Ana S.
Ana S.
Top Beratung, Top Kompetenz. Das ganze Team extrem freundlich.Ich wollte nur eine Beratung bzgl Augenbrauentattoo- Entfernung-, und ging dann ohne dem hässlichen Tattoo nachhause. Mit nur 1 Behandlung- Alles ging extrem schnell und fast schmerzfrei mit dem PicoLaser.Vielen Dank ich bin soo glücklich
Response from the owner: Liebe Ana, Vielen Dank für Ihre nette Rezension! Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass Sie mit der Beratung und der Behandlung so zufrieden sind. Wir geben immer unser Bestes, um unseren Kunden zu helfen, sich rundum wohlzufühlen und ihre Wünsche zu erfüllen. Es ist toll, dass Sie mit dem Ergebnis so glücklich sind! Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bei Bedarf wiederzusehen. Liebe Grüße, Ihr Dermacare Team
Fran M.
Fran M.
Five star treatment with Bettina every single visit!


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