Lymph drainage at Dermacare: Improve your health and well-being

Dermacare uses for lymph drainage and medical massage only the most modern technologies or manual lymph drainage. Enjoy an effective lymph drainage therapy. Let our experienced specialists inform you in detail how health-promoting and beneficial a lymph drainage treatment is.

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This treatment is bookable in:

1010 Wien, Morzinplatz 4

1220 Wien, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 7A

Professional treatments from experts

Individual consultation

We attach great importance to a detailed consultation. Specialists and doctors will advise you in the clarification discussion. You will receive an individual assessment of the expected success of the treatment, the costs and everything you should know about the procedure.

State-of-the-art technology

For our customers we only invest in the latest technology. In order to achieve the highest possible effect of lymphatic drainage, we use only medical equipment.

Professional treatments

Specialist training of our team guarantees the highest quality of treatment. Thus we achieve lasting results with lymph drainage.

Lymph drainage at Dermacare: Improve your health and well-being

Lymph drainage as the most effective method for improving cellulite, skin problems and swelling

Lymph drainage activates the passage of lymph through the lymphatic ducts and clears the lymph vessels. They are responsible for the collection and flushing of toxic substances from the body tissues. Under normal circumstances, about 4 litres of fluid flow through the lymphatic system every day. It contains water, proteins, fats, salts, dead cells, bacteria, and substances that have been produced as waste from metabolic processes.

Enjoy the soothing lymph drainage treatment and strengthen your immune system at the same time. Enjoy a healthy, radiant complexion, a beautiful and firm figure and experience the individual possibilities in our lymph drainage practice.

This is how lymph drainage therapy works at Dermacare in Vienna

The specialists at Dermacare work with the latest technology, the BTL-Lymphastim, which is based on an air pressure of between 700 and 1060 hPa. During the lymph drainage therapy you will feel gentle, painless pressure waves which are perceived as pleasant and relaxing.

The lymph drainage in Vienna is particularly successful at:

  • Cellulite
  • Lymphedema on the legs
  • Venous insufficiency
  • After a tattoo removal for the efficient breakdown of colour pigments
  • Detox (detoxification)
  • Improved skin appearance
  • For arthrosis, gout and obesity
  • Regeneration after sports performances
  • Scar reduction
  • Prevention of inflammation
  • Reduces stress, depression or anxiety
  • Pain relief for migraine

At the Vienna Dermacare Institute, lymph drainage is carried out by experienced specialists. The Dermacare team places the highest priority on ensuring that customers feel comfortable in their skin. The Dermacare specialists provide comprehensive and competent care at all times.

Why should you seek treatment from Dermacare?

  • The treatment is carried out by experienced specialists
  • Only medical devices are used
  • Good public connection (Schwedenplatz or Kagran) and car park in the building
  • Long opening hours

You still have questions about lymph drainage?

FAQ lymph drainage contains all the answers to the most important questions about lymph drainage at Dermacare. These questions give a first orientation, but do not replace a detailed consultation with the experts.

FAQ lymph drainage

Treatment procedure of the lymph drainage treatment

1. Anamnesis Questionnaire

The treatment procedure of a lymphatic drainage treatment in Vienna at Dermacare is explained in detail below. An anamnesis questionnaire is completed before each initial treatment. This enables possible risks to be identified and prevented.

2. Consultation

First of all, a preliminary talk with a specialist takes place. Prepare yourself for the interview and talk openly about your wishes and expectations.

3. Preparation

After a consultation with our expert, you will be placed in the lymph drainage device.

4. Lymph drainage of the arms

If necessary, lymph drainage is also performed on the arms.

5. Medical setting

The most suitable treatment concept for you is selected and the treatment is started. The treatment duration is indicated from 30 to 50 minutes depending on the type of treatment.

6. After the treatment

After the treatment we ask you to drink at least 1 litre of liquid in the form of water or unsweetened tea on that day.
If you feel an increased urge to urinate after the treatment, this is a normal reaction to the treatment.

Costs for medical lymph drainage at Dermacare

What should you bring to the treatment?

We ask you to bring

  • Legging/Sports pants,
  • Socks
  • and a T-shirt for the treatment.

Free expert discussion

The consultation for the lymph drainage treatment takes place at Dermacare Vienna with application specialists and is free of charge.

What customers say about Dermacare...

Nadja L.
Nadja L.
Nettes Team, keine Wartezeit, freundlicher Arzt und kompetente Beratung, unkomplizierte rasche Behandlung (PRP Haarwurzeln).Erfolg wird sich hoffentlich bald zeigen.
Jonas Potz
Jonas Potz
Ionela ist der Mozart des Lasern. Nach vielen anderen Unternehmen bin ich durch Zufall auf Dermacare in 1220 Wien gestoßen. Schmerzlos, schnell und eine traumhafte Terminvergabe machen Dermacare aus. Ich empfehle jedem Dermacare und vor Allem Ionela. 12/10 würde 6 Sterne geben
Gmail DH
Gmail DH
Ich war das 1 Mal bei Lusine zur Aquafacial Tiefenreinigung und war begeistert - Sie beherrscht ihr Handwerk und meine Haut strahlt. Ich werde mir sicher bald wieder einen Termin einplanenUpdate: das 2 Mal war ich bei Ionela, weil es terminlich praktischer für mich war und sie war ganz genauso professionell und toll wie ihre Kollegin … Ich komme wieder 👍🏻.
Response from the owner: 🌟 Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie von Ihrer ersten Aquafacial-Behandlung bei Lusine so begeistert sind. Sie ist eine wahre Expertin in der kosmetischen Hautpflege und legt großen Wert auf Präzision und individuelle Betreuung. Schön, dass Ihre Haut nun strahlt! ✨ Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.”
Vanessa H
Vanessa H
Sie ist sehr bemüht und ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Arbeit von Dr. Siskova. Ich war jetzt scjon 3x bei ihr und kann sie nur wärmstens empfehlen.
Jennifer Kolar
Jennifer Kolar
Hatte heute meine erste Laserbehandlung bei Lonela. Letzte Woche noch das Beratungsgespräch bei Uhr gehabt, wo ich schon sehr begeistert war, da man mir nicht das teuerste Aufdrücken wollte, sondern wirklich auf den Patienten und seine Bedürfnisse achtet.Die Behandlung tat nicht weh, es war unangenehm (liegt einfach am Laser und daran dass ich vorher noch nie eine Laserbehandlung hatte), aber Lonela hat wirklich immer gefragt ob alles ok ist, hat kurze Pausen dazwischen gemacht und auch während der Behandlung alles erklärt.Hat auch sauber gearbeitet und es wird alles dokumentiert.Die Damen an der Rezeption sind bemüht, beim ersten Besuch hatten sie nicht so begeisterte Gesichtsausdrücke, aber das kann auch eine Tagesverfassung gewesen sein. Gearbeitet wird trotzdem professionell!Kann aber das Studio mit gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen!


What is your concern?

Let your dream become reality! With the help of state-of-the-art technologies and a team of specialists, we offer you professional treatments.

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