With hyaluronic acid to the perfect chin line

The Dermacare institute leads the so-called Jawline Contouring, the correction of the chin line, with hyaluronic fillers. In this way the patient’s profile can be defined gently and completely without surgery. The jaw line, which becomes increasingly blurred over the years, is effectively post-contoured.

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This treatment is bookable in:

1010 Wien, Morzinplatz 4

1220 Wien, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 7A

Professional treatments from experienced specialists

Individual consultation

We attach great importance to a detailed consultation. Specialists and doctors will advise you in the clarification discussion. You will receive an individual assessment of the expected success of the treatment, the costs and everything you should know about the procedure.

State-of-the-art technology

Our equipment is state of the art. For our customers, we only invest in the latest technology to guarantee almost painless treatments, shorter treatment times and efficient results.

Professional treatments

We try to ensure the highest quality of treatment by providing specialist training for our team. Medical treatments are performed by independent doctors who have many years of experience in aesthetic medicine.

Jawline Contouring - Chin line correction for a clear profile

Even those who are blessed with distinctive facial features must expect them to change over time. With increasing age, the tissue loses its elasticity and begins to sag. A cheek and lower jaw area that was contoured at a young age slackens, so-called drooping cheeks can develop, the transition between jaw and neck appears more fluid and the chin also sometimes gets out of shape. This change in the structure of the face is also called the “sagging effect”.

At Dermacare we offer you an effective treatment without surgery with the method of Jawline Contouring, in which the jaw line is injected with hyaluronic acid fillers and post-contouring is done.

At Dermacare you can get detailed advice from medical specialists and learn about the possibilities of Jawline Contouring.

Jawline Contouring at Dermacare with filler

As an endogenous substance, hyaluronic acid is an important component of the connective tissue. With increasing age, however, the skin’s own hyaluronic acid content decreases. In modern aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid has been used for many years to either correct unwanted changes in the face as a result of the natural ageing process or to compensate for unwanted asymmetries, i.e. to model the face.

Jawline contouring involves redefining the chin line by injecting the hyaluronic acid filler. This allows unevenness to be evened out and the chin line to be harmoniously straightened or, if it appears too angular, softened. It is also possible to build up the chin and make it more prominent, which increases contrast and emphasises the facial silhouette more clearly.

Depending on the preparation, hyaluronic acid fillers usually break down again after some time. Dermacare uses high-quality hyaluronic acid fillers during treatment to correct the chin line, known as jawline contouring.

Jawline Contouring in Vienna is particularly successful at:

  • Receding chin
  • Drooping cheeks
  • Altered chin line/jaw line
  • Too chin-edged

Your Dermacare specialists for Jawline Contouring in Vienna

At the Vienna Dermacare institute Jawline Contouring is performed by the following experienced specialists:

For the Dermacare team, the fact that the patients feel comfortable in their skin is a top priority. The specialists at Dermacare provide you with comprehensive and competent care at all times.

Why should you seek treatment at Dermacare?

  • The treatment is carried out by experienced medical specialists
  • A natural treatment result is the top priority.
  • Up to 2 weeks after the treatment a free fine correction (re-injection) in the same region is possible.
  • Highest quality at fair prices
  • We only use tested, longtime approved brand products
  • Good public connection (Schwedenplatz or Kagran) and car park in the building
  • Long opening hours

You still have questions about Jawline Contouring?

FAQ Jawline Contouring contains answers to frequently asked questions about Jawline Contouring at Dermacare. These questions are not intended to replace a consultation with our physician, but they do give a first orientation.

FAQ Jawline Contouring

Treatment procedure to correct the chin line

Anamnesis Questionnaire

The treatment procedure for chin line contouring in Vienna at Dermacare is explained in detail below. An anamnesis questionnaire will be filled in during the consultation or before each initial treatment. This allows possible risks to be identified and prevented.

Medical consultation

First of all, there is a preliminary talk with the attending doctor. Prepare yourself for the interview and talk openly about your wishes and expectations. Your treating doctor at DERMACARE will discuss with you which type of hyaluronic acid is best suited for you before the Jawline contouring.

Digital image

Before the treatment, a digital photo of your face is taken to document your treatment progress in detail.


After subsequent desinfection, the treatment begins. The hyaluron filler is injected into the skin in small quantities with a very thin needle. The gel gives the skin natural volume to smooth out existing lines and shape the contours of the chin.


The treatment to correct the chin line takes between 20 and 30 minutes. The results of the injection are immediately visible.

After the treatment

Hyaluronic acid products from Ellansé are broken down over time by the body's natural metabolism. A refresher treatment is necessary after one, two or three years, depending on the product chosen.

Worauf sollte man achten?

After the treatment, there may be a slight swelling, formation of a hematoma, pain or pressure sensitivity at the injection site. These reactions are generally described as mild to moderate and usually disappear shortly after the injection. They usually subside within a day or two.

Costs for Jawline Contouring at Dermacare

Customised filler selection for optimal results

Please note that the final price depends on the material used. There is specialised hyaluronic acid for every treatment and facial area. To achieve an optimal aesthetic result, our doctors at Dermacare use over 20 different fillers from leading brands that have been tried and tested millions of times. These include Juvederm from Allergan, Belotero from Merz, Restylane/Radiesse/Kysse from Galderma and Redensity from Teosyal/Teoxane – fillers with a long shelf life. After a detailed facial analysis, your doctor will recommend the filler that integrates best into your tissue.

Personalised advice from long-standing experts

The initial consultation at Dermacare Vienna takes place with a doctor. In the case of immediate treatment, nothing is charged for the consultation. If treatment does not take place immediately, a fee of € 60 will be charged, which will be credited back to you in full for any future treatment.

Flexible financing options

For more extensive treatments, we offer you the option of financing. This allows you to pay for your desired treatments in convenient instalments and still start immediately. You can find more information here.

What customers say about Dermacare...

Petra Jovicic
Petra Jovicic
Hr. Dr. Telisselis ein sehr toller, sympathischer Arzt. Immer wieder gern 👍
Leni Winkler
Leni Winkler
Meine Tochter war wegen ihrer unreinen Haut bei Dilara. Diese hat uns sehr gut über die Gesichtsbehandlung aufgeklärt und viele Tipps noch zusätzlich gegeben. Dilara war total freundlich und zuvorkommend. Die Gesichtsbehandlung tat meiner Tochter auch sehr gut. Wir kommen sehr gerne zur Dilara wieder!!!
Josefine Meisenbichler
Josefine Meisenbichler
Ich war zweimal bei Frau Dr. med. Marina Siskova. Habe mich über die Faltenmethoden im Gesicht beraten lassen. Die Beratung war sehr ausführlich und sie hat mir die Möglichkeiten sehr gut erklärt. Und ist auf meine Fragen gut eingegangen. Nun habe ich mir im ersten Schritt Botox spritzen lassen und es zeigt auch schon Wirkung. Natürlich ist in meinem Alter 67 noch mehr nötig. Bin aber mit dem ersten Schritt schon glücklich. Kann Frau Dr. med. Marina Siskova weiter empfehlen.
Sladana S
Sladana S
Ich war vor kurzem bei Dermacare und ich muß sagen, dass ich mit meinem Besuch sehr zufrieden bin. Erstens die Damen am Empfang waren sehr nett und freundlich. Herr Dr. Telisselis ist ein äußerst freundlicher und zuvorkommender Arzt. Er nimmt sich viel Zeit, um die Behandlung ausführlich zu erklären. Man fühlt sich bei ihm sehr gut aufgehoben und sehr wohl. Ich kann Dr. Telisselis wärmstens weiterempfehlen!!!
Response from the owner: Liebe Sladana, vielen Dank für Ihre tolle Bewertung! 😊 Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie sich bei uns rundum wohlgefühlt haben. Dr. Telisselis nimmt sich immer gerne die Zeit, um jede Behandlung genau zu erklären – schön, dass Sie das zu schätzen wissen. Auch unser Empfangsteam wird sich über Ihr Lob freuen! Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. 💙
Theresia Kodim
Theresia Kodim
Ich war bereits zum dritten Mal bei Dr. Telisselis für eine CO2-Laserbehandlung. Jahrelang litt ich an vernarbter Akne-Haut – und schon vor der dritten Behandlung war ein deutlicher Unterschied sichtbar. Dr. Telisselis sowie sein gesamtes Team sind äußerst sympathisch, und in der Praxis herrscht eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre. Ich komme auf jeden Fall wieder!
Response from the owner: Liebe Theresia, es freut uns unglaublich, dass Sie mit Ihrer CO2-Laserbehandlung so tolle Fortschritte sehen! 😊 Dr. Telisselis und unser gesamtes Team geben immer ihr Bestes, um unsere Patient*innen bestmöglich zu betreuen. Schön, dass Sie sich bei uns wohlfühlen! Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen und freuen uns schon auf Ihren nächsten Besuch. 💙


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