Thorough professional cleaning with the Carbon Laser Peeling

The Reborn Carbon Laser Peeling at Dermacare frees our skin from the negative effects that environmental influences have on it. Lesions, scars, sun damage and pigmentation spots and other skin problems are eliminated with this thorough cleansing. For particularly effective cleansing and care of the skin, we offer the Carbon Laser Peeling in combination with an Aquafacial or a professional active substance therapy.


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This treatment is bookable in:

1010 Wien, Morzinplatz 4

1220 Wien, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 7A

Professional treatments from experienced specialists

Individual consultation

We attach great importance to a detailed consultation. Specialists and doctors will advise you in the clarification discussion. You will receive an individual assessment of the expected success of the treatment, the costs and everything you should know about the procedure.

State-of-the-art technology

Our equipment is state of the art. For our customers, we only invest in the latest technology to guarantee almost painless treatments, shorter treatment times and efficient results.

Professional treatments

We try to ensure the highest quality of treatment by providing specialist training for our team. Medical treatments are performed by independent doctors who have many years of experience in aesthetic medicine.

Professional cleansing for stressed skin in Vienna

Reborn Carbon Peeling – Laser Peeling

Negative environmental influences are hard on our skin. It is therefore all the more important to have a thorough, professional cleansing that frees us from the various deposits. At Dermacare, we offer exactly the right treatment for this with the Reborn Carbon Laser Peeling.

Inflammatory pimples, blackheads, acne lesions, enlarged pores, scars, superficial wrinkles, horny skin, sun damage, fine pigment spots and melasma are a thing of the past with the carbon laser peel. The skin is visibly improved and regenerated by the treatment, the complexion becomes more even. This is because the carbon peeling binds to the pores containing sebum and dirt particles, while the laser vaporises particles that accumulate on the skin over the course of the day.

Treatment procedure Reborn Carbon Peeling

In preparation for the Reborn Carbon Laser Peeling, we cleanse and disinfect the skin. Then the carbon mask is applied evenly. It penetrates deep into the pores and combines with sebum and deposits in the skin. The carbon mask is then removed again with the Nd:YAG laser. In the process, the carbon particles explode, ensuring optimal removal of dead skin cells and sebum. During the laser treatment, patients wear protective goggles. Last but not least, a soothing final treatment follows.

The carbon laser peeling lasts about 30 minutes and can be excellently combined with other treatments such as aquafacial, active substance therapy, facial massage and deep cleansing.

Aquaborn Carbon Laser Peeling

A particularly effective cleansing and removal of harmful environmental influences is offered with our combination treatment Aquaborn Carbon Laser Peeling at Dermacare. The first step is to remove the top layer of skin with the carbon laser peeling. At the same time, this peeling has a pore-refining, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. For a really thorough cleansing, the subsequent Aquafacial is used.

Used in combination, these two treatments each enhance the effect of the other. The result is a deeply cleansed and detoxified skin that has significantly more elasticity and tone. It is also supplied with all the important nutrients and moisture. The complexion becomes even and healthy thanks to the Aquaborn Carbon Laser Peeling, and the treatment counteracts impurities.

Treatment procedure Aquaborn Carbon Laser Peeling

The first step in the Aquaborn Carbon Laser Peel is to thoroughly cleanse and prepare the skin for the treatment. Then the carbon mask is applied and penetrates deep into the pores where it bonds with debris and excess sebum.

The subsequent application of the laser removes the mask. This explodes the carbon particles and removes sebum, dead skin flakes and impurities.

Next comes the Aquafacial treatment: the chemical peeling with GlySal acid renews the skin and gives you a visibly rejuvenated complexion. The Beta-HD serum also effectively cleanses the skin. This is because it softens the sebum and removes what the carbon peel did not achieve. A moisture boost is provided by honey extract, which is applied afterwards.

To keep the skin well nourished and protected, a plant-rich antioxidant serum is applied, which detoxifies naturally. The final light therapy stimulates anti-inflammatory and antibacterial processes and boosts the body’s own collagen and elastin production.

The treatment lasts 90 minutes.

Multiborn Carbon Laser Peeling with active ingredient therapy

An optimal supply of care substances ideally suited to the respective needs is the be-all and end-all in individual skin care. In order to be able to offer you this care, we at Dermacare rely on the Multiborn Carbon Laser Peeling with active substance therapy.

This treatment uses carefully selected active ingredients that are tailored to your skin type and needs and which, when combined with our deep-cleansing carbon laser peeling, can develop their full effect.

The treatment lasts 90 minutes.

Costs for peelings at Dermacare

Price advantages for package bookings

If you purchase several treatments or a treatment package, you benefit from attractive price advantages.

Free info consultation

In our free consultation, our specialists will analyse your skin and find the ideal peeling for you. Individually tailored to your needs – for a more radiant complexion.

Flexible financing options

For more extensive treatments, we offer you the option of financing. This allows you to pay for your desired treatments in convenient instalments and still start immediately. You can find more information here.

What do customers say about Dermacare?

Nadja L.
Nadja L.
Nettes Team, keine Wartezeit, freundlicher Arzt und kompetente Beratung, unkomplizierte rasche Behandlung (PRP Haarwurzeln).Erfolg wird sich hoffentlich bald zeigen.
Jonas Potz
Jonas Potz
Ionela ist der Mozart des Lasern. Nach vielen anderen Unternehmen bin ich durch Zufall auf Dermacare in 1220 Wien gestoßen. Schmerzlos, schnell und eine traumhafte Terminvergabe machen Dermacare aus. Ich empfehle jedem Dermacare und vor Allem Ionela. 12/10 würde 6 Sterne geben
Gmail DH
Gmail DH
Ich war das 1 Mal bei Lusine zur Aquafacial Tiefenreinigung und war begeistert - Sie beherrscht ihr Handwerk und meine Haut strahlt. Ich werde mir sicher bald wieder einen Termin einplanenUpdate: das 2 Mal war ich bei Ionela, weil es terminlich praktischer für mich war und sie war ganz genauso professionell und toll wie ihre Kollegin … Ich komme wieder 👍🏻.
Response from the owner: 🌟 Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie von Ihrer ersten Aquafacial-Behandlung bei Lusine so begeistert sind. Sie ist eine wahre Expertin in der kosmetischen Hautpflege und legt großen Wert auf Präzision und individuelle Betreuung. Schön, dass Ihre Haut nun strahlt! ✨ Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.”
Vanessa H
Vanessa H
Sie ist sehr bemüht und ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Arbeit von Dr. Siskova. Ich war jetzt scjon 3x bei ihr und kann sie nur wärmstens empfehlen.
Jennifer Kolar
Jennifer Kolar
Hatte heute meine erste Laserbehandlung bei Lonela. Letzte Woche noch das Beratungsgespräch bei Uhr gehabt, wo ich schon sehr begeistert war, da man mir nicht das teuerste Aufdrücken wollte, sondern wirklich auf den Patienten und seine Bedürfnisse achtet.Die Behandlung tat nicht weh, es war unangenehm (liegt einfach am Laser und daran dass ich vorher noch nie eine Laserbehandlung hatte), aber Lonela hat wirklich immer gefragt ob alles ok ist, hat kurze Pausen dazwischen gemacht und auch während der Behandlung alles erklärt.Hat auch sauber gearbeitet und es wird alles dokumentiert.Die Damen an der Rezeption sind bemüht, beim ersten Besuch hatten sie nicht so begeisterte Gesichtsausdrücke, aber das kann auch eine Tagesverfassung gewesen sein. Gearbeitet wird trotzdem professionell!Kann aber das Studio mit gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen!


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