With laser light against pigment spots - the pigment spot treatment helps!

Unsightly pigmentation spots that just won’t go away – many people are familiar with this. Whether on the face or hands, these brown spots can be annoying and make the skin look uneven. Have you tried everything but nothing really helps? With us, you can have pigmentation spots removed using the latest laser technology.

Our laser treatment attacks the pigment disorders directly without damaging the surrounding skin. You can already see visible results after the first application.

Wouldn’t it be nice to finally have even and radiant skin again?

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This treatment is bookable in:

1010 Wien, Morzinplatz 4

1220 Wien, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 7A

Professional treatments from experienced specialists

Individual consultation

We attach great importance to a detailed consultation. Specialists and doctors will advise you in the clarification discussion. You will receive an individual assessment of the expected success of the treatment, the costs and everything you should know about the procedure.

State-of-the-art technology

Our equipment is state of the art. For our customers, we only invest in the latest technology to guarantee almost painless treatments, shorter treatment times and efficient results.

Professional treatments

We try to ensure the highest quality of treatment by providing specialist training for our team. Medical treatments are performed by independent doctors who have many years of experience in aesthetic medicine.

Acne scar removal with laser at Dermacare

This is how pigment spots develop

What are pigmentation spots?

Pigment spots are medically harmless, but they are often perceived as unattractive and therefore a cosmetic problem, especially since they usually appear on the most visible areas of skin, on the hands, face and neckline. Whether congenital pigmentary disorders, inherited freckles (ephelids) or pigmentary disorders acquired over the years such as age spots (Lentigo senilis) or sun spots (Lentigo solaris) – all are caused by a disturbance of the even pigment production. The melanocytes responsible for the formation of the skin pigment melanin produce too many melanins, and these cause the dark spots. Dark pigmentation of the skin can also remain as a result of injuries to the skin, such as an insect bite or diseases like acne or shingles. Laser treatment gently dissolves the pigment accumulations and stimulates the formation of new healthy skin.

What happens when removing pigment spots with laser?

The laser activates the natural regeneration mechanisms of the skin and is considered the most modern method for gentle skin renewal and skin tightening. During the treatment with the high-frequency laser beam, the upper layers of skin are ablated and thus unwanted pigment spots are removed without damaging surrounding tissue. The thermal effect of the laser stimulates the regeneration of the skin. At the same time, the laser beam activates the production of collagen, resulting in a permanent tightening of the tissue. The treatment is particularly suitable for the removal of pigmentation or so-called age and sun spots, the pigmentation is gently removed and new skin is formed. A laser lift with the fractional carbon dioxide laser (CO2 laser) causes comprehensive skin renewal, smoothes and tightens the skin, thus ensuring an overall clearer skin appearance.

The treatment is suitable for smoothing medium-deep wrinkles and scars (e.g. acne scars), but also for removing pigmentation disorders (e.g. age spots, sun spots, melasma). The reduction of small wrinkles and the refinement of large-pored areas (large-pored skin) improves the entire skin structure, resulting in an overall fresher appearance.

Already after the first treatment, the skin appearance improves visibly: pigmentation spots, small wrinkles and superficial scars disappear. The laser treatment is almost painless and there is almost no downtime.

Let our medical specialists inform you in detail about the treatment possibilities with the CO2 laser.

What else can be treated with the CO2 laser?

  • Facial treatment for skin rejuvenation and skin tightening
  • Skin rejuvenation on the neck / neckline / hands
  • Wrinkle treatment perioral (around the mouth), so-called smoker’s wrinkles, laughter lines
  • Wrinkle treatment periorbital (at the eyes): eyelid lift, lower eyelid lift, upper eyelid lift, crow’s feet
  • Acne scars and scar treatment
  • Stretch marks/pregnancy marks
  • Removal of xanthelasma

Do you still have questions about pigment spot removal with the laser?

FAQ removing pigment spots contains answers to frequently asked questions about the treatment of pigment spots at Dermacare. These questions are not intended to replace a consultation with our doctor, but they do provide some initial orientation.

FAQ pigment spots

Pigment spots removal with the CO2 laser: Treatment procedure

Anamnesis Questionnaire

The treatment procedure for the removal of pigment spots with CO2 laser in Vienna at Dermacare is explained in detail below. An anamnesis questionnaire is completed before each initial treatment. This allows possible risks to be identified and prevented.


This is followed by a detailed preliminary discussion with a dermatologist. Prepare yourself for the interview and talk openly about your wishes and expectations.

Digital photo / desinfection / anesthesia

Before each treatment a digital photo of your skin is taken to document your treatment progress in detail. The skin is desinfected and if necessary anesthetized with an anesthetic cream.

Laser treatment

The skin area is then treated with the special CO2 laser. To make the treatment more pleasant, the skin is cooled with cold air.

Cooling of the lasered area

After the treatment, a cool pack is placed on the treated area for 10 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory cream

An antiseptic cream is applied to prevent inflammation.


The immediate reaction of the skin to the treatment is often slight redness and swelling, which disappears by itself. A thin crust then forms in the lasered region. For the post-treatment of the crust, ointments and creams are available to support the healing process of the skin.

Your treating doctors will provide you with comprehensive information on the follow-up treatment and care of the affected area and will be available to answer your questions at any time.

After the treatment, UV radiation should be avoided for several weeks, as it can promote unwanted pigmentation.

After about 4-6 weeks a follow-up treatment can be carried out if necessary.

Costs for dermatological services at Dermacare


The treatment price depends on the amount of treatment required and the size of the area to be treated. During the consultation, the doctor will determine the treatment costs according to the circumstances.

Personal consultation with experts

(*) During the initial consultation, an experienced specialist will take up to 30 minutes to provide you with comprehensive advice. This special consultation is remunerated with € 150,-. If you decide to undergo treatment afterwards, you will be credited € 50.

Cost absorption

Under certain conditions, the costs of the consultation/treatment are partially reimbursed by the health insurance fund or, depending on the insurance, by the private health insurance if you submit the invoice.

What other customers say about Dermacare....

Nadja L.
Nadja L.
Nettes Team, keine Wartezeit, freundlicher Arzt und kompetente Beratung, unkomplizierte rasche Behandlung (PRP Haarwurzeln).Erfolg wird sich hoffentlich bald zeigen.
Gmail DH
Gmail DH
Ich war das 1 Mal bei Lusine zur Aquafacial Tiefenreinigung und war begeistert - Sie beherrscht ihr Handwerk und meine Haut strahlt. Ich werde mir sicher bald wieder einen Termin einplanenUpdate: das 2 Mal war ich bei Ionela, weil es terminlich praktischer für mich war und sie war ganz genauso professionell und toll wie ihre Kollegin … Ich komme wieder 👍🏻.
Response from the owner: 🌟 Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie von Ihrer ersten Aquafacial-Behandlung bei Lusine so begeistert sind. Sie ist eine wahre Expertin in der kosmetischen Hautpflege und legt großen Wert auf Präzision und individuelle Betreuung. Schön, dass Ihre Haut nun strahlt! ✨ Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.”
Anna Hörl
Anna Hörl
Ich bin seit ein paar Monaten Patientin von Dr. Telisselis und kann mit voller Überzeugung sagen: Er ist der beste Arzt !!!🤗Dr. Telisselis ist nicht nur fachlich TOP, sondern auch ein Arzt mit echter Menschlichkeit und Humor. Er nimmt sich viel Zeit, hört aufmerksam zu und erklärt alles verständlich – und das immer mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen. Seine freundliche und lustige Art macht den Arztbesuch viel angenehmer. Die Ergebnisse seiner Behandlung sind sichtbar und ich bin mehr als zufrieden !Auch das Praxisteam ist supernett, und die gesamte Atmosphäre ist entspannt und herzlich. Ich fühle mich bestens aufgehoben und kann Dr. Telisselis nur wärmstens empfehlen 👍😊
Annika Hansson
Annika Hansson
Angenehme Atmosphäre, sehr liebes Empfangspersonal. Kurze Wartezeiten, also eigentlich keine, meine Termine wurden pünktlich eingehalten. Der mich betreuende Arzt ist locker und unkompliziert, und vor allem kompetent, danke.
Meine Mutter schenkte mir zum Geburtstag eine Hydra Facial und eine Fruchtsäure Peeling Behandlung und ich bin absolut überzeugt und begeistert vom Ergebnis, nach nur einer Sitzung merkte ich bereits großartige Fortschritte und machte mir einen weiteren Termin aus, wieder bei Dilara.Dilara ist eine ausgesprochen freundliche und kompetente Kosmetikerin und hat mich nicht nur toll beraten, sondern auch gut gearbeitet - 100 % Weiterempfehlung!


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