FAQ about removing permanent make-up
Questions about the treatment of permanent make-up with laser? Here are the answers!
During treatment with the Q-Switched PICO laser, the laser light hits the colour pigments in the skin with an extremely short pulse duration and simultaneously high energy. The pigments are absorbed by the laser light more strongly than the surrounding skin. The colour particles are dissolved or broken up by the laser, the body excretes their remains via the lymph system or rejects them by forming a crust.
The special feature of the Q-Switched Laser with 4 different wavelengths (532nm, 595nm, 660nm and 1064nm) is that the dreaded color change is prevented. This is because it can happen that during the removal of color pigments with a laser with one wavelength, a red tattooed area changes to green, which must be removed with another wavelength. During treatment with the Q-Switched Laser, four wavelengths are used to counteract a color change. The Q-Switched Laser removes all colors of the spectrum except for light yellow and white without residue.
For complete removal of permanent make-up, we usually recommend four to six treatments at intervals of five to eight weeks. How many applications are necessary to achieve the desired treatment success depends on the nature of the permanent make-up to be removed (colour, depth, age) and will be assessed in a personal consultation. The duration of the treatment cycle can therefore only be determined once the doctor has determined the number of treatments.
Since the pigments of the PMU are brightened more and more in every treatment with the laser, first results are already visible after the first treatment.
Since different wavelengths must be used to remove pigments of different colours with the laser to achieve the individual colour tones, it can happen during laser treatment of tattoos or permanent make-up that an originally red area turns green and then cannot be removed. This phenomenon is called color change.
Since almost all colours can be treated with the Q-Switched Laser, a possible colour change can also be treated effectively.
With the Q-Switched PICO laser, permanent make-up on the eyebrows, including microblading, eyelids and lips can be gently and effectively removed or corrected. Depending on the colour, colour depth and age of the PMU, different numbers of sessions are necessary to make the PMU invisible.
During the medical consultation at Dermacare Vienna, the specialists will work out a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs and will inform you in detail about the possible risks involved in a treatment, the expected success of the treatment and the costs incurred by you.
It is only after the PMU examination that Dermacare’s doctors determine how many sessions at what intervals are necessary to achieve the desired treatment success.
If a treatment takes place, nothing is charged for the interview. If a treatment is not carried out immediately, € 60,- will be charged as a fee, which will be credited to you in the event of a future treatment.
The individual sensation of pain varies from person to person, while some patients “feel nothing at all” during a laser treatment, other patients complain of a burning or stinging sensation during and after the treatment, which we call “almost painless”, complaints that can also occur during the healing process.
We recommend applying an anesthetic cream to the corresponding area before the laser treatment, which will ensure that the sensitivity to pain is reduced.
During the personal consultation, the doctors at Dermacare will inform you in detail about the course of treatment, which can be carried out without anesthesia and the use of medication.
During the laser treatment the colour pigments of the permanent make-up are gradually lightened until they finally disappear. The first results are already visible a few days after the first treatment with the Q-Switched Laser. Until the permanent make-up disappears completely, 4 to 6 treatments at intervals of 5 to 8 weeks are normally expected.
For the complete removal of permanent make-up, 4 to 6 treatments at intervals of 5 to 8 weeks are usually necessary. The number of treatments required depends on factors such as colour, size, depth and age of the permanent make-up, and can therefore only be estimated individually in a personal consultation. The intervals between treatments depend on the individual healing properties of the skin and therefore also vary.
At the first control appointment after the treatment, the progress of wound healing is assessed. As the colours of the permanent make-up are lightened with every treatment, a visible change is already visible after one session.
Even if laser treatment is carried out correctly by trained doctors, problems with crust or scar formation can occur in rare cases, as well as pigment shifts or temporary hypo/hyperpigmentation, which usually regulates itself after 3 – 4 months.
If you are susceptible to pigmentation disorders, or if you are aware of a tendency to scarring, please inform your treating doctors, who will inform you in detail about all possible risks in the course of a personal consultation and explain any side effects.
For the complete removal of permanent make-up, 4 to 6 treatments at intervals of 5 to 8 weeks are usually necessary.
The number of treatments required varies individually, as it depends on factors such as colour, size, depth and age of the permanent make-up. During a personal consultation with our doctors, the permanent make-up will be assessed and then a personal treatment plan will be drawn up in which the number of treatments, the treatment interval and the costs incurred will be determined.
In principle, skin areas treated with laser should be protected for about a week. To support the healing process, we recommend a suitable ointment for application to the skin, such as Bepanthene Plus. To avoid pigmentation disorders, the affected area should not be exposed to UV radiation for several weeks, and visits to a solarium should be avoided before and after treatment.
As long as the treated area is appropriately protected from the sun, you can go about your usual daily routine immediately after the treatment.
In most cases, permanent make-up can be completely removed. If desired, it can also be partially removed, lightened or corrected. In a partial removal and correction of permanent make-up, either entire pigments are removed, if for example an excessively long eyebrow line is shortened, or unwanted pigments are lightened so that they are hardly visible.
The procedure for removing permanent make-up depends on the desired success of the treatment. In a personal consultation you have the opportunity to formulate your wishes. The doctors at Dermacare provide you with comprehensive information about your treatment options and set treatment goals with you.
The following questions and answers give a first orientation about the removal of permanent make-up with laser at Dermacare. However, these cannot replace a personal consultation with a trained doctor who will work out an individual treatment plan. If you are interested in a laser treatment or have further questions, please use the contact form below.
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