• “Peeling” is an external, aesthetic dermatological treatment of the skin with natural fruit acids, chemical acids or by mechanical removal.

    The peeling is suitable for improving or eliminating sun- or age-related skin changes, wrinkles, pigment spots and superficial acne scars and for tightening the skin. Since the discovery of the skin-improving properties of natural fruit acids, numerous procedures have been developed.

    With chemical peeling methods, a distinction is made between superficial peeling (fruit acid peeling), medium-depth peeling (PQAge peeling) and deep peeling (TCA peeling) – depending on how aggressively the skin is affected and removed. Mechanical exfoliation methods include dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. We use different types of peeling depending on the desired result.

  • In chemical peeling, fruit acids or other substances are applied to the skin. They penetrate the upper layers of the skin to varying depths, peeling away old horny layers and stimulating the epidermis to regenerate. Collagen fibres, basic substance and elastin are increasingly formed in the dermis, water is bound in the skin. Overall, the skin is restructured and thickened, the moisture content of the skin increases. The skin appears smoother and more youthful overall. Cell damage caused by the sun, pigmentation and fine wrinkles are reduced or eliminated if they do not go too deep. The more aggressive the acid, the better the skin rejuvenation, but also the higher the risk of side effects.

  • This question can only be answered with an individual consultation. There are many different scrubs that are used depending on the intended use. A fruit acid peel only works on the uppermost layers of the skin, a PQAge peel on the middle layer of the skin, whereas the TCA peel also reaches deep skin structures.

    Like any cosmetic procedure, every peeling treatment must be embedded in a longer-term pre- and post-treatment programme. The specialist will select the right peel for you depending on the desired goal.

  • This depends on the exfoliator used and the exposure time. A superficial peeling as with fruit acid peeling is often only felt as a slight burning sensation. In contrast, the PQAge peeling works in the medium deep skin layer and is not painful.

  • Depending on the peeling used, a break of different lengths is necessary. After a fruit acid peel or PQAge peel, you can go back to work immediately.

    In comparison, a regeneration period of a few days or up to 2 weeks is necessary after a deep TCA peel. Visits to the sauna and solarium should be avoided for a few weeks. Strenuous sport should be avoided immediately after the treatment. After a chemical peel, strict sun protection with suitable products is required for a certain period of time.

  • Immediately after the peeling, the skin is red and tight. After a few days the peeling process of the skin begins. Under the detached skin layers a fresh and youthful skin appears, which is still very sensitive. Suitable care products support this regeneration process. You will only see the full effect of the peeling after a few days to weeks. When a chemical peeling is performed, 2 follow-up checks are carried out to monitor the regeneration of the skin. This is not necessary after a fruit acid peeling, as only very superficial effects are achieved here.

  • A TCA peel is a cosmetic treatment in which trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is applied to the skin to exfoliate the upper and deeper layers of the skin. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin and renews and refreshes the skin. TCA peels are often used to treat wrinkles, sun damage, pigmentation marks and acne.

  • Medical peeling is a highly effective procedure that should not be confused with peeling at home or at the beautician. The acids used are far more concentrated and effective.

    The process begins with a consultation with an experienced Dermacare doctor or beautician to discuss your expectations and concerns and determine if a TCA peel is right for you.

    Before the treatment, your skin is cleansed and free of make-up and other products. The TCA solution is then applied to the skin and evenly distributed. After a certain time, the TCA peeling is neutralised to stop the peeling process.

    The skin may burn and feel hot during and after the treatment. This sensation disappears once the acids have been neutralised. After hours to days, the skin will peel to a greater or lesser extent, which will last for a few days.

    After the treatment, it is important to follow your doctor’s or beautician’s instructions for aftercare to ensure that the skin heals optimally. Several sessions are usually required to achieve optimal results.

Do you have any more questions? Arrange a consultation for a TCA peeling.

The following questions are not intended to replace a consultation with the specialists at Dermacare, but they do provide an initial orientation. If you are interested in a peeling treatment or have further questions, please use the form below.

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