Get rid of fat with cooling - try the latest cryolipolysis technology

Melt stubborn fat deposits or would you prefer to “freeze” them? Dermacare now uses the latest technology for fat reduction: CoolSculpting – also known as cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis technology is a safe, effective and non-invasive cold treatment for fat reduction. The cold treatment of fat cells is also long-lasting. Your fat deposits are reduced and no longer appear.

So if you can’t get rid of stubborn fat deposits on your hips, stomach, thighs, double chin or other areas of your body despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, then this method is ideal for you.

Do not hesitate any longer. Contact Dermacare today to find out more about cryolipolysis costs and the treatment procedure.

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This treatment is bookable in:

1010 Wien, Morzinplatz 4

1220 Wien, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 7A

Professional CoolSculpting from experts

Individual consultation

We attach great importance to a detailed consultation. Our specialists will advise you about the CoolSculpting treatment in a personal consultation. You will receive a personalised assessment of the expected success of the treatment, the CoolSculpting costs and everything you need to know about the procedure. Your needs and goals always take centre stage.

State-of-the-art technology

We only invest in the latest technology. In order to achieve the best possible effect of cryolipolysis, we only use the latest, medically tested equipment from Zeltiq. These guarantee effective and safe fat reduction through fat freezing.

Professional treatments

Specialised training for our team ensures the highest quality of treatment for every CoolSculpting treatment. Through continuous training, we achieve lasting results that help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Our expertise in Cool Shaping ensures you receive professional and reliable care throughout the entire process.

Das bild steht für Kryolipolyse Kosten und Behandlungsablauf. Hier sieht man genau genommen die Vorbereitungen zur Behandlung. Eine frau steht mit hochgerolltem top vor seitlich vor der Kamera. mit einer CoolSculpting Schablone wird ihren Bauchfett gemessen.

CoolSculpting in detail

We have scientists at Harvard University to thank for the revolutionary method of freezing fat. Although CoolSculpting is still a relatively new procedure, it has already undergone a number of extensive clinical studies. The cryolipolysis technology has already achieved success in more than 500,000 cases.

But what happens in detail? With cryolipolysis technology, the fatty tissue is cooled in a targeted manner, causing the fat cells to crystallise and be broken down naturally by the body. The outer skin and underlying tissue remain intact, as the temperature during cryolipolysis is set so precisely that only the fat cells are affected.

The treatment is painless and leads to a visible and permanent reduction in fat deposits after just a few weeks. And all without surgery, without anaesthetic and without scars.

Is CoolScuplting suitable for you?

Are you sporty and disciplined when it comes to dieting, but you don’t want your last fat deposits to disappear? Then CoolSculpting is just the right treatment for you. Annoying floating tyres, pregnancy belly or remaining love handles are removed for good using Kyrolipolysis technology. The non-invasive cold treatment specifically freezes abdominal fat so that the body simply breaks down the remaining fat deposits. Your long-awaited dream body is now visible.

Advantages of CoolSculpting

  • No surgery: Cryolipolysis is a safe procedure. No needles, surgical procedures or anaesthesia are required.
  • Effective: Proven reduction of fat cells after a short time.
  • Fast recovery: You can resume your daily activities immediately after treatment.
  • Natural results: Changes occur gradually and look natural. Lasting results: The fat cells that have been broken down do not return.

CoolSculpting treatment procedure

During your initial consultation, a personalised treatment plan will be drawn up to meet your specific needs and goals. The treatment itself takes about 35-60 minutes per zone. During the treatment, you can relax, read or even take a nap. After the treatment, you can return to your usual activities immediately.

Put your trust in Dermacare for CoolSculpting in Vienna

  • Specialised professionals: Our team is specially trained in coolsculpting procedures and will support you throughout the entire process.
  • Specialist supervision: Our treatments are always carried out under the supervision of experienced specialists to ensure the highest medical standards.
  • Individually adapted treatment programme: Every body is unique. We therefore create a treatment programme tailored to your personal needs.
  • Natural treatment results: We attach great importance to ensuring that the results are natural and in line with your expectations.
  • State-of-the-art technology: We use the latest technology to guarantee effective and safe treatments.
  • Flexible opening hours: Benefit from our long opening hours, which allow you to make flexible appointments.
  • Central location and easy accessibility: Our clinic is easily accessible at Schwedenplatz, whether by public transport or by car thanks to the in-house car park.

You still have questions about Coolsculpting?

FAQ Coolsculpting contains answers to frequently asked questions about kyrolipolysis at Dermacare. These questions are not intended to replace a consultation with our doctor, but provide an initial orientation.

FAQ CoolSculpting

Costs for cryolipolysis with Coolsculpting

Price advantages for package bookings

If you purchase several treatments or a treatment package, you benefit from attractive price advantages.

Free info consultation

The total price of a CoolSculpting treatment depends on the body region to be treated and the number of treatment cycles required. During a non-binding consultation, we will analyse your treatment areas to give you a reliable indication of the total cost.

Flexible financing options

For more extensive treatments, we offer you the option of financing. This allows you to pay for your desired treatments in convenient instalments and still start immediately. You can find more information here.

What other customers say about Dermacare...

Based on 237 reviews
Petra Jovicic
Petra Jovicic
Hr. Dr. Telisselis ein sehr toller, sympathischer Arzt. Immer wieder gern 👍
Johanna Santha
Johanna Santha
Bin begeistert von der Kompetenz und freundlichen Begegnung von Dr.Telisselis. Äußerst gute Beratung und top Ergebnis. Das nächste Mal wieder.
Josefine Meisenbichler
Josefine Meisenbichler
Ich war zweimal bei Frau Dr. med. Marina Siskova. Habe mich über die Faltenmethoden im Gesicht beraten lassen. Die Beratung war sehr ausführlich und sie hat mir die Möglichkeiten sehr gut erklärt. Und ist auf meine Fragen gut eingegangen. Nun habe ich mir im ersten Schritt Botox spritzen lassen und es zeigt auch schon Wirkung. Natürlich ist in meinem Alter 67 noch mehr nötig. Bin aber mit dem ersten Schritt schon glücklich. Kann Frau Dr. med. Marina Siskova weiter empfehlen.
Sladana S
Sladana S
Ich war vor kurzem bei Dermacare und ich muß sagen, dass ich mit meinem Besuch sehr zufrieden bin. Erstens die Damen am Empfang waren sehr nett und freundlich. Herr Dr. Telisselis ist ein äußerst freundlicher und zuvorkommender Arzt. Er nimmt sich viel Zeit, um die Behandlung ausführlich zu erklären. Man fühlt sich bei ihm sehr gut aufgehoben und sehr wohl. Ich kann Dr. Telisselis wärmstens weiterempfehlen!!!
Response from the owner: Liebe Sladana, vielen Dank für Ihre tolle Bewertung! 😊 Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie sich bei uns rundum wohlgefühlt haben. Dr. Telisselis nimmt sich immer gerne die Zeit, um jede Behandlung genau zu erklären – schön, dass Sie das zu schätzen wissen. Auch unser Empfangsteam wird sich über Ihr Lob freuen! Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. 💙
Theresia Kodim
Theresia Kodim
Ich war bereits zum dritten Mal bei Dr. Telisselis für eine CO2-Laserbehandlung. Jahrelang litt ich an vernarbter Akne-Haut – und schon vor der dritten Behandlung war ein deutlicher Unterschied sichtbar. Dr. Telisselis sowie sein gesamtes Team sind äußerst sympathisch, und in der Praxis herrscht eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre. Ich komme auf jeden Fall wieder!
Response from the owner: Liebe Theresia, es freut uns unglaublich, dass Sie mit Ihrer CO2-Laserbehandlung so tolle Fortschritte sehen! 😊 Dr. Telisselis und unser gesamtes Team geben immer ihr Bestes, um unsere Patient*innen bestmöglich zu betreuen. Schön, dass Sie sich bei uns wohlfühlen! Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen und freuen uns schon auf Ihren nächsten Besuch. 💙


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Let your dream become reality! With the help of state-of-the-art technologies and a team of specialists, we offer you professional treatments.

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